
Duo is implemented in Haskell and can be compiled from the sources using the stack build tool.

Obtaining the stack build tool

There are two recommended ways to install stack on your system; only installing stack or using ghcup to manage your stack installation.

  • In order to just install the stack tool, follow the instructions on their website here.
  • You can use ghcup to manage multiple different versions of the ghc Haskell compiler and other tools from the Haskell ecosystem, including stack. To install stack using ghcup, follow the instructions on the ghcup website here.

Verify that your installation was succesfull and that the binary is on your path:

> stack --version
Version 2.7.3, Git revision 7927a3...

Building Duo from the sources

Clone the duo repository to your system:

git clone

Then, change into the duo-lang directory and use stack to build the binary

> stack build

During the first compilation this can take a while, since a lot of the dependencies have to be compiled as well. Subsequent compilations will be much faster.

In order to use the editor plugin and the LSP server, the duo binary has to be on the path. We use stack install for this.

> stack install

It is possible that you have to add the directory that the program was installed to to your $PATH environment variable. Verify that the duo binary has been correctly installed by querying it for its version:

> duo --version
Duo Version:
Git Commit: 81ec55800707cfdcd43a685d2e6fecd44a0429b8
Git Branch: main